Who I Am


Meet Emily

Artist Teacher Traveler

I grew up with a love for traveling. American by birth but brought up internationally, I have always loved being able to experience new and diverse cultural experiences. With an education in art and a career in teaching, I hope to use my art to share my love for culture and travel with others. For the past few years, I have been living internationally in countries like Malaysia and Japan learning the culture and finding inspiration in the different cultures and the ways lifestyles differ from the ones I experienced growing up.



Continuing My love for traveling, I hope to use my art to share the unique aspects of the country or culture I am living in. I aim to keep my art as diverse as the cultures I get to experience. Though watercolor or linoleum carving may be my medium of choice, I love exploring new mediums and experiment with different tools and materials. I hope in my travels to be able to learn some of the traditional art-making styles from different countries and incorporate some of the skills and techniques into my own art style.


My Art



I love being the bridge between my ideas and reality, but what’s really fun is that I don’t always know how something will turn out when I start it. I mainly enjoy watercolor and linoleum printing, but I dabble with various types of paint, ink, and digital styles to bring my ideas to life.

Graphic Designs

Probably more than illustrating, I feel I have a mind for design. I love making pieces fit together. I find it fun to think about the different ways to communicate information and come up with fun ways to use colors and shapes to enhance the overall outcome.


My third love is photography. While this hobby started as a way to remember adventures and establish a collection of reference photos for my other art, it didn’t take long for me to fall in love with it. Photography is one of the driving forces for me to get out of my house and go explore.

Abstract Art

Abstract art has been something of a recent expedition for me. Started in the last few years when I struggled to find things I found inspiring to illustrate. I gained confidence in creating thanks to newfound friends who are also great artists. It was a fun breach of my typical style and a chance to explore new ways to express myself through art.


Animation is something I dabbled with in college but haven’t come back to once I graduated. Hopefully one day I will come back to it, but I feel my time is better spent in other areas. Though they are old and poor quality, I am leaving these here as a reminder that I can do better if I can give myself the time to.

My Travels

I am not a consistent writer so I’ve only ever played with the idea of a blog, but here we are. Though I may not be consistent with posting, I still wanted a place to write about the places I’ve been and the things I enjoyed. We may start out a bit rocky with this category but hopefully I’ll get better and find a rhythm with it.